The UK’s education system is failing many people who are desperate to learn, and the Government’s welfare system is only getting worse, a report by the think tank Next Big Foundation says.
The think tank analysed the number of people who have gone to work for a job they do not want, and found that those who want a job are far more likely to get one than those who are offered one.
The findings are likely to anger the Government, which has said it is tackling the skills shortage by offering jobseekers better support and incentives to get work.
The report also warns that the UK’s low levels of employment, with only around 13 per cent of people in employment aged 25-64 employed, is creating a huge demand for apprenticeships and other training.
“Our research suggests that a significant proportion of those unemployed are also people with a significant lack of work experience,” the report says.
“A huge number of unemployed people in this age group are currently looking for work but are not able to find a suitable employer.”
The report says there are more than 500,000 unemployed people aged over 18 in the country, with a total of 2.7 million jobless people aged under 16.
It says that one in five unemployed people is under 18, while only 4 per cent have been in employment for more than two years.
The Government has pledged to help the unemployed, but the report found that there are also barriers to the training of people with the skills needed to get jobs.
“The Government is taking action to tackle the skills gap by providing support to people in the labour market who are struggling to find work,” the think bank’s chief executive, James Green, said.
“But this is only the first step.
It is essential that the Government continues to work with employers, employers, the Government and industry to tackle this challenge.”
He said the Government must also help those with limited skills, such as those who have already completed training, and create a more welcoming environment for those who don’t have a job yet.
“Employers need to understand the needs of the workforce and offer support for those with skills shortages,” he said.
The report highlights a growing shortage of teachers, with just over 7,000 teaching jobs remaining unfilled in the last three years.
It also finds that over half of those in the workless group do not have a full-time job, and that the unemployment rate for people without a job is nearly double the average for those in work.
It says it is also a growing problem that the welfare state is only helping the unemployed to get a job.
“In a world where unemployment rates are high and unemployment is increasing, we need to invest more in training and training systems to ensure that the needs for work are met,” Mr Green said.