How to get a job in education welfare in Australia

Answering the call to cut the welfare state, Prime Minister Joe Hockey announced the government would make the public sector job market more flexible by eliminating the $16,000 cap on income thresholds for income support.In a speech on Monday, Mr Hockey said it was important for the government to “take the right approach” and remove […]

Which is the better choice for your child’s school: the teacher or the child welfare office?

Posted November 08, 2018 10:33:53 It’s hard to know how much of this is a matter of personal choice and how much is a direct result of the political environment.But it’s a question worth asking.The question is whether the best option is a school education that will work, or a teacher-run one that will not.I’ll […]

What to do if you’re on a welfare education benefit, but don’t know where to turn for help

Education Welfare Trust’s Education welfare program offers free or discounted tutoring and assessment for children who need it most.But many parents of students on the program are struggling to find enough resources to help them navigate a difficult education journey.

Which of the US’s biggest education programs is really benefiting students?

It’s a good question.In a year of unprecedented austerity, the U.S. Education Department says it is facing an education deficit of $1.6 trillion.It is the biggest of any major industrialized country, with students facing a whopping $1,400 per credit hour.The U.K. has more than $1 trillion in deficits, with student debt climbing by almost $400 […]

More teachers on jobless list, but jobs still elusive

More than half of all teachers in the U.S. are working without pay, and the number of Americans who are working part-time or unemployed has reached record levels, according to a new report.More than 4.4 million teachers have lost their jobs since the beginning of 2017, according the report released Monday by the National Center […]

‘I don’t care who you are’ – Australian kids ‘have no idea what their parents are doing’

The new Australian Kids’ Guide, which will be available for purchase on August 15, includes information on the state of education and wellbeing in Australia and the government’s support for schools.“Australia’s children are being left behind by our government, the current government, on everything from school outcomes to childcare,” the guide states.“The National Government has […]

How to make sure your child gets the best education in Staffordshire

A new education welfare program is launching in Stafford.It’s designed to provide extra support for students who are struggling to find the best school for them and their family.Staffordshire Education Welfare is a joint initiative between Staffordshire County Council and the Department for Education.Its aim is to get more children into the best schools, not […]

Why did a puppy’s poop spill on a hotel bathroom floor?

Veterinarians at the University of Illinois veterinary hospital are investigating the story of a puppy who spilled a liquid onto a hotel toilet floor.The puppy’s owner said he was cleaning the toilet with a towel on Monday when it accidentally spilled a “soup-like substance.”Veterinarian Dr. Peter Fong said he’s not sure how the poop came […]

How We Can Fix The Welfare System, And How It Can Fix Us

We’ve been told time and again that we’re on the cusp of a great new opportunity, that this country is ripe for change, that we have a chance to be a nation of opportunity.And yet, all too often, we are stuck with the same problems.The welfare system is the root cause of poverty, inequality, and […]