‘My child is still learning’ – ‘I’ve learned nothing’

My child is not learning, I’ve learnt nothing.He’s in bed, reading, in a sling, crying.I can’t stop thinking about the fact that he’s in such a situation.I’ve had a very hard time with this.When I was nine, my brother and sister went to live with us.It was the worst time of our lives, we had […]

BABcock Education Welfare Extension, BABcouch, and the BABcoats API

Posted September 06, 2018 11:09:51The BABCoats API allows developers to easily integrate the BACouch with their apps, making it easier to provide education and health care services.For instance, if you are building an education app and you want to make sure your students are getting the best education possible, it’s a lot easier to make […]

‘I don’t care who you are’ – Australian kids ‘have no idea what their parents are doing’

The new Australian Kids’ Guide, which will be available for purchase on August 15, includes information on the state of education and wellbeing in Australia and the government’s support for schools.“Australia’s children are being left behind by our government, the current government, on everything from school outcomes to childcare,” the guide states.“The National Government has […]