How to help teachers who are struggling to stay afloat

Teachers across the country are struggling financially to cover the cost of providing basic education to their students, but some are fighting back with creative solutions.Education and welfare department officials say the department is working with state and local school districts to offer help for struggling teachers, including helping to provide vouchers for them to […]

Australia to raise $3.5 billion in funding for education & $6.5bn in infrastructure in 2020 &,- Reuters

Australia has committed to raise more than $3 billion in new funding for its education system in the wake of a severe economic downturn.A government announcement today announced the allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, which will see an additional $6,000 per child from 2020.Education Minister Christopher Pyne said the money would […]

A guide to the educational welfare board in Britain

Education Welfare Board, also known as the Department for Education, is the body responsible for delivering education services for the children of public sector workers.Its job is to support those children’s schools and schools to deliver the best possible outcomes for them and their families.Its mandate covers all education related services, including schools and secondary […]

BABcock Education Welfare Extension, BABcouch, and the BABcoats API

Posted September 06, 2018 11:09:51The BABCoats API allows developers to easily integrate the BACouch with their apps, making it easier to provide education and health care services.For instance, if you are building an education app and you want to make sure your students are getting the best education possible, it’s a lot easier to make […]