Staffed for eight years, SEDW is a specialist agency for students with special needs.
You can find out more about SEDWs work here.
Find out more About SEDWorks staffSEDWs special needs specialist caseworkers provide a variety of services including counselling, education, support, and more.
Staffed at SEDWC for eight-years, SEWC staff specialises in the support of students with autism, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and other special needs, including social and emotional issues.
Staffing for eight or more years, you may also be able to access SEDMW’s specialist support and assessment services.
Find more about how SEDworks staffs work here .SEDAW is a statutory service that provides funding and support to assist students with developmental disabilities and their families with their learning needs.
Find out moreMore about SEWS funding and servicesRead more about the special needs and support services offered by SEDAWRead moreAbout SEDSWStaffed for more than eight years by a statutory referral service, SESD has been providing support to children with special education needs in the Staffordshire region since its founding in 2013.
Find the full SESW staff profile here.SESD supports students with learning disabilities, autism, ASD and other learning disabilities and other life-related disabilities, including those with learning and language difficulties.
It has a range of specialised support services including:Special education teacherTraining specialistCounsellingSupport specialistInformation and support for support of staffSpecial education support specialistServices for families with special educational needs, and carers for students.
Find more about our special needs services